Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Some tears and a doctor visit

****Update**** The test was negative, so they drew some blood to check my hormone levels. The nurse is supposed to call me back as soon as they get the results. Of course, I already know what the results are, but perhaps it will get their attention and have my concerns addressed.

Well, more than just some. My heart is hurting so badly. I'm headed out to my OB/GYN to hopefully get some answers as to what is happening, why I have lost these precious babies. There are more than just two, there are five. Five little lives gone before they had a chance. Five little faces I'll never kiss, five little voices I'll never hear. Five is too many. I want answers, I NEED answers. Please be in prayer that I will not get the "well the pregnancy just didn't develop" or the horrid "this is nature's way of 'housekeeping' you know like survival of the fittest." Yes, I actually had a doctor say the latter to me. Pray that God's hand will be on the doctor I see today and the nurses I talk to. Let His heart be theirs today. I so desperately want to know why....

And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.
Mark 10:16

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