Check out the party girls!
We had a slumber party for Kaeleigh's 10th birthday! Oh my little girl has reached the double digits!! We started off the evening with pizza and a cupcake cake. Then we all made foam crafts; that was a joy to clean up. We divided the girls into two teams and went on a scavenger hunt through the neighborhood. We played some games, told some ghost stories, and attempted to go to bed... After several trips to the living room to calm the girls, we finally left them alone and closed our bedroom door! I don't think much sleep was going on, but we all had a great time!
I praise God for another year of growing for Kaeleigh.
Kaeleigh also had her first Honors Chorus concert this past week. She looked just wonderful up in front of everyone with her outfit on! I tried to film it, but the camera was shaking so badly from my crying. I'm so overwhelmed with this child God has given me. She is just amazing. There's really not much more I can say about that.
I praise God for allowing me to be her mama.
We've had some very emotional situations going on the last couple of weeks. On top of the miscarriage, we found out on our anniversary that Tim's grandfather "Opa" is nearing his final days on this earth. We went to say our goodbyes with the family this weekend. We all cried and are sad, but we take joy in knowing death isn't the end. We'll see you again sweet Opa, in a better place with our Father!
I praise God for knowing there is comfort in the pain and sadness of death.
Speaking of anniversary, Tim and I celebrated our second one on November 4th. So many things have happened over the last two years of our marriage. We started off with a beautiful wedding and finding out about Kaden coming. Then within a month of the wedding, we found out that Kaden would need open heart surgery to survive. Kaden was born the following April, had his surgery in May and praise God, he is alive and doing better than anyone expected! We decided in late 2007 to file for Tim to officially adopt Kaeleigh and Avery. In January 2008 the paperwork began and we spent the next nine months waiting for a court date. In September, it was official, Kaeleigh and Avery are Tim's children!! We found out about the baby in September as well, and by October, we'd lost her. So many things we've been through in such a short time together. I can't begin to tell the rock Tim has been for me. A father to our children, a provider of our home, and my best friend. Knowing that I get to wake up to him every morning for the rest of my life is enough for me. He is mine and I am his.
I praise God for the blessing He has given me through Tim.
Thank you Father for your greatest gift, your Son Jesus. Thank you for continuing to work in my life and my family's lives. I praise you God for you give and take away and remain stedfast and faithful to us through it all.
Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. Psalms 34:3